Ways To Donate

Ways To Donate

Donate today and help us fight extreme poverty.
We are very grateful for your support. Please help us help the poor by making a donation. Every rupee counts so please donate generously.

Donate On-Line
Donate On-Line Donate easily, quickly and safely 24/7 by Credit or Debit Card via secure donations. 

Donate by Post with Cheque or Postal Order

Donating by post couldn’t be easier than sending a Cheque.

Donate Regularly by Standing Order

You can donate regularly to Isaar Welfare Charity by setting up a standing order with your bank. This allows you to be in control of how much money you wish to donate and the frequency of the payment. By donating regularly you can help fight extreme poverty at a greater rate.

Donations by Credit or Debit Card

If you are making an On-line donation by Credit or Debit card.

Direct Bank Transfer

You may transfer money direct into our Donations Account at:

  • Please use the name of your chosen project and country as reference for your payment. Please note that receipts cannot be issued for donations made via bank transfer unless we are informed separately by email/post of your donation.


In-Kind Donations

In-kind donations are those donations that are done in goods and services rather than money. Sometimes it is not cash you give, but some other valuable. The most obvious one would be the services of a professional. A lawyer might donate his time to assist in the filing of incorporation papers for a non-profit corporation. A doctor might volunteer to do screening examinations or flu shots. Or a carpenter might build something for a local charity. These are sometimes the most valuable sorts of donations. A cash gift is nice, of course; but the organization saves twice when it saves all the bookkeeping and paperwork involved in disbursing that cash in accordance with their charter.

The in-kind donation is a simpler and more human one.

Donations In-Kind

A donation in kind is where a product, equipment or capacity of a business is donated to a charitable cause (usually local). This can vary from imperfect stock, to spare or overproduced stock, old equipment, low cost office space or spare transport capacity.

This can help save the need to throw away or clear out items at low prices; whilst helping good causes. This type of donation usually requires more thought than a financial donation, but can be extremely useful to good causes at little cost to your business. It is important however to check with the charity or scheme that your donations are needed.

There are some organizations that collect donations of new goods, and distribute them to worthwhile causes; if you are unsure of a cause to donate to, these could help see your contributions are given to those who will benefit.

Examples of Donations In-Kind:

  1. A business upgrades its computer systems, and donates the old computers and printers to a charity collection organisation.
  2. A sandwich makers often ends up with spare products and a number of items that are slightly imperfect; and offers these to the local homeless shelter at the end of each day, rather than throwing them away.
  3. A toy manufacturer produces a number of items with minor cosmetic flaws; and donates these each month to a local children’s charity.
  4. A Nationwide Haulage Delivery company always has half empty Lorries on Fridays, and offers the spaces to charities that need to send goods between branches or to distant locations; saving them transport costs.
  5. A school, library or publisher has spare educational books after a recent upgrade, refurbishment and donates these to charities for export to developing countries.

Isaar collects in-kind (new and gently used) items to help the poor and needy in South Asian countries and Africa, when need arises. We collect computers, books, journals, medical supplies, medical equipment, school and office furniture, toys, household items (dishes, pots and pans), clothes, jackets, shoes, etc.

For more information, please email us.


Inevitably and unavoidably within any organisation there will be some administration costs. By donating towards administration, you will be helping us maintain our unique 100% donations policy. The money will be used to cover costs for printing literature, bills, fundraising costs and other items needed to fulfill our activities. Currently, administration costs are covered through Business & Individual Sponsorships and Recycling. Consequently, not a single penny is deducted from any of your donations. Any support you can provide would be most welcome.