

Projects Currently underway include :-

Food for Families & Children :

Including sugar, clean water, flour, milk, babies milk powder at times of emergency as well regular food parcels at times of ramadhan, eid, etc.

Shelter / Housing

Includes Family tents, blankets, temporary accommodation, houses built from brick and metal sheeting, etc


Provisions for homeless children, families, women, elderly esp in times of emergencies, disasters (floods, earthquake, etc)

Qurbani Meat for the Poor

Annually meat is distributed for the poor in needy areas

Water & Sanitation Projects

These include items such as hand-pumps, building wells, providing water filters, etc


Hand Pump / Tube Well : A manual hand pump can provide water to 2-4 families for many years to allow them to drink, cook and clean.

Dig a Well : Traditional dug well is a manual well which is more suitable for rural communities and can fulfill the water needs of whole communities. Our scheme has meant that people who walked for many miles each day to collect water or would otherwise have died through illness have been able to return to living normal lives simply by receiving this most basic requirement.

Self-Sufficiency Programmes

We encourage individuals, families and communities to stand-up on their own feet by providing training, skills development as well as micro-financing of projects to ensure they can earn their own livelihoods to support themselves and their families.

Support Orphans

Children who are orphans are especially catered for by providing basic needs and education so that they may become role model citizens tomorrow.

Medical Care – Emergency Provision

Such as First Aid, Vaccination, Medical Treatment, Eye Treatments, Tuberculosis

Medical Care Facilities & Pharmacies

Establishing centres and facilities in rural areas (Health4Wealth Foundation), where there are none, to help the poor and needy especially women, children and the elderly

Water & Sanitation Projects

These include items such as hand-pumps, building wells, providing water filters, etc

Ambulance service for Poor

To purchase, maintain and run services for the elderly, disabled and needy children in rural areas.

Sponsor an Eye Camp

You can sponsor one eye camp includes free consultation, free medicine and glasses to poor and most deserving patients. You can donate glasses or sponsor eye operation for patients. Please donate generously to grant sight to partially sighted and blind people.


Many poor communities do not have access basic vaccinations which if provided eg polio, TB, etc would save the lives of many. These are arranged on an ongoing basis.